Kells Lawyers • September 10, 2020
On 7 September 2020, the Federal Government announced it will continue to provide relief for businesses and individuals that have been impacted by COVID-19 through the extension of temporary insolvency and bankruptcy protections until 31 December 2020.
Current Protections Extended
Earlier this year we reported that the Federal Government announced the following relief for financially distressed companies, directors of companies and individuals:
The measures were proposed to last for a period of 6 months – ending on 25 September 2020. However, the Federal Government has announced it intends to continue the existing protections until 31 December 2020. In a joint media release by the Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations, it was noted that the purpose of the extension is to:
“[L]essen the threat of actions that could unnecessarily push businesses into insolvency and external administration at a time when they continue to be impacted by health restrictions.”
So what now?
As discussed in our previous article, there still remain alternative avenues of relief for creditors looking to enforce their debts during COVID-19.
Despite the temporary protections, creditors are still entitled to pursue and enforce debts through the Courts, with no general COVID-19 restrictions on commencing legal action. In the event proceedings are commenced and a judgement is subsequently entered against the debtor, enforcement action will then become available.
In NSW, a creditor may enforce a judgment by:
Similarly, creditors in the construction industry (or who otherwise fall within the prescribed scope of the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (“Act“)) may look too pursue and enforce debts within processes prescribed by the Act.
The strict timeframes for compliance (or dispute) once served with a payment claim or payment schedule provide the fast and cost efficient means to resolve contractor disputes and resume cash flow. On the same note, due to the various time-sensitive steps that are required under the Act, we recommend that legal advice is obtained prior to a contractor taking any such action.
Key Takeaways
Image Credit – Mala Iryna ©
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