Experts in all criminal matters including affray, theft, fraud, assault, murder, traffic offences, drink driving, drug offences, and much more.
We are available across Wollongong and the Illawarra region 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to advise you on your case —
and our first consultation is free!
Our criminal law team is guided by a former police officer and senior police prosecutor with unrivalled knowledge of court procedures.
With many years of experience in courtrooms, we run a majority of our summary matters without the costly alternative of briefing barristers.
Have you recently been charged with an affray offence? You should know that being convicted for this offence may significantly affect your life. The criminal defence lawyers at Kells can help you deal with affray matters through expert legal advice and representation.
Being charged with affray can be a daunting and stressful situation that potentially carries severe consequences if a conviction is obtained. However, with the help of our experienced affray lawyers in Wollongong, you can effectively navigate the complexities of your charge, understand your options, and build a robust defence strategy tailored to your unique circumstances.
The Kells’ criminal team can help you deal with affray matters by working closely with you and protecting your rights. Our team is led by a former police officer and prosecutor and has the experience and knowledge to facilitate the very best outcome for clients.
Affray charges usually come about when there is a large group fighting and/or the police are unable to obtain a victim statement negate consent.
The essence of affray is that the aggression of person 1 directed against person 2 causes (or would cause) person 3 to fear for his or her own safety. The offence was fundamentally developed for the protection of public order and the public against unlawfulness. The affray charge is designed for the protection of the bystander and envisages three distinct parties.
The penalties for an affray charge are significant – up to imprisonment for 10 years.
Call Patrick Schmidt today on 0410 593 059 to receive timely advice. He is available 24/7 to help you. At Kells, we take pride in providing confidential, compassionate and responsive legal advice for clients in Wollongong, Sydney, Thirroul, Dapto, Shellharbour, and Kiama.
If you would like to discuss your affray matter with our criminal law team, please get in touch. We are available 24/7 to help you and offer a free initial consultation.
Need help with a legal matter? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
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