Product Liability Claim - Compensation
We provide practical and expert legal advice for product liability claims in Wollongong.
If you have the slightest concern, Kells provides a free case assessment of your possible compensation claim.
This allows you to seek justice without risk. We are fully committed to your case and will work hard to make sure we get the best possible outcome for you.
Kells will take care of all the legalities for you and help you get each dollar you are entitled to.
Have you or someone you know suffered harm due to a dangerous or defective product? It is crucial that you act on this with urgency, as there are time limitations to bring a claim. Our product liability lawyers are here to represent your pursuit of compensation for your physical, psychological, and economic injuries.
At Kells, we represent individuals who have been injured as a result of an unsafe product that was designed, manufactured, sold, and/or furnished by a person or company. Our aim is to assist victims of defective products in bringing their claims and being fairly compensated for their injuries.
If you have a product that has caused you an injury and we are able to establish that the product was indeed defective or faulty, we may be able to bring a claim for compensation. There are time limitations to bring a claim, so you need to act on this with urgency.
We offer a free first consultation and can also offer a “no win, no fee” agreement, which means if you do not receive any compensation, you do not have to pay any fees.
If you or a loved one are injured because of a defective or dangerous product, do not hesitate to contact our compensation team today. Our Wollongong product liability lawyers are here to represent your pursuit of compensation for your physical, psychological, and economic injuries.
Contact our Wollongong Product Liability Lawyers today for a Free Case Assessment.
Need help with a personal injury compensation claim? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
Need help with a legal matter? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
© 2022 Kells Your Lawyers | ABN: 88 235 192 916
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation