What to expect in your first family law appointment

Ashleigh Barry, Senior Associate • September 25, 2019

It is vital to seek expert family law advice at the first opportunity, either when you may be contemplating separating from your partner, have made the decision to separate or have been told by your partner that your relationship is over.

Often our clients will feel upset and daunted by the idea of coming to terms with making that first phone call to speak to a family lawyer. However, getting advice at the right time could prevent you from making a poor decision that could have future ramifications for you and your family. In addition, being prepared and armed with our advice will enable you to have informed discussions and knowledge of the process and what to expect from the outset.

At Kells, our initial family law consultation is an opportunity to meet with an experienced family law practitioner and obtain advice tailored to your own personal and unique circumstances and our lawyers are understanding and empathetic in their approach through what is a considerably difficult period.

If your enquiry relates to financial matters, it is helpful to be prepared with some basic financial information pertaining to your circumstances. Your lawyer will likely ask you about your individual and jointly held assets and liabilities as well as your superannuation and financial resources. There will of course be an opportunity to collate specific financial documents after your initial appointment but coming equipped from the outset will ensure the best use of your time with your lawyer.

If your enquiry relates to parenting matters, it is helpful to bring in any diary notes you may have kept, and immediately commence to make diary notes with respect to the ongoing care arrangements for your child or children, documenting in detail any issues that may arise or have arisen from the time of separation. This will provide your lawyer with assist in your discussions with your lawyer and can come in handy if you require them to assist in the preparation of court documents at a later stage.

If you are contemplating separation or you are experiencing a separation and haven’t yet made your first call to your family lawyer, do so now without delay. Be confident moving forward knowing you have the backing of an experienced family law professional by your side.

At Kells, we are committed to guiding you during your time of need, taking the burden off your shoulders.

Our team is led by a NSW Accredited Specialist in Family Law and includes highly experienced and dedicated lawyers, law clerks, paralegals and administrative staff conveniently located throughout Sydney and the Illawarra region. For more information on our team, view here.

Kells has been delivering outstanding services and legal expertise to commercial and personal clients in Sydney and the Illawarra region for more than five decades. Our lawyers are savvy and understand your needs.

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