Experts in all criminal matters including gun possession charges, traffic offences, drink driving, drug offences, theft, assault, and much more.
We are available across Wollongong and the Illawarra region 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to advise you on your case —
and our first consultation is free!
Our criminal law team is guided by a former police officer and senior police prosecutor with unrivalled knowledge of court procedures.
With many years of experience in courtrooms, we run a majority of our summary matters without the costly alternative of briefing barristers.
Being convicted of a firearms offence can have serious long-term consequences, including hefty fines and long prison sentences. If you are facing a gun possession charge or looking to get a licence, it is important that you work with an experienced firearms lawyer from Kells who can review your case and determine the appropriate next steps for you.
Whether you are looking to secure a firearms licence or permit, or have been charged with a firearms related offence, Kells’ firearms lawyers in NSW can provide legal advice to make sure your rights are well protected.
Our criminal lawyers are intimately familiar with the Firearms Act 1996. This means we know what steps need to be taken and what documents need to be filed in order for you to obtain a permit or licence. We can also provide advice on how best to defend against charges related to the use, possession, or sale of firearms in NSW.
The current NSW firearms legislation, the Firearms Act 1996, was introduced as a response to growing community concern about firearms being used to perpetrate violent crime. Firearms were easy to obtain and their possession was generally not prohibited. The Firearms Act sets up a system which controls eligibility for firearms licences. These matters are determined by a Tribunal.
It is important to understand that all firearms are dealt with under the Firearms Act 1996, while prohibited weapons and articles are dealt with in the Weapons Prohibition Act 1998.
A breach of the act carries with it significant penalties and has little room for interpretation.
If you would like to discuss your firearms case with our criminal law team, please get in touch. We are available 24/7 to help you and offer a free initial consultation.
Need help with a legal matter? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
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