Planning Law - Environmental Law - Regulatory Services
Our lawyers are committed to providing the best legal advice and services for planning and environment law matters in Wollongong and the Illawarra.
Our planning and environment team has extensive experience advising both local government and private clients in the areas of planning and environmental law.
With offices across Wollongong and the Illawarra region, we make our collective knowledge, experience and expertise available to anyone in NSW who needs our assistance.
At Kells, we believe you're not just another client. We take pride in listening to your unique challenges and providing personalised solutions to help you achieve your goals.
Steering through the intricacies of planning and environment law in New South Wales is our expertise. Whether you're a government entity or a private client, trust the team at Kells to provide you with the calibre of legal services you need to achieve the outcome you seek.
Our planning and environment lawyers have a wide breadth of experience working with both types of clients in the areas of planning and environmental law.
Acting for both public and private clients gives us unique insight into the strategies employed by both in these matters.
In addition, we provide representation for both Local Government and private clients in the Land & Environment Court including environmental prosecutions, judicial review and commissions of enquiry.
These are just some of the questions we field across a range of planning and environmental areas. If you have similar questions or just need advice regarding an aspect of planning and environmental law, contact our team today to discuss your matter.
If you have any questions or need advice regarding an aspect of planning and environmental law, don't hesitate to contact our experienced team at Kells.
Need help with a legal matter? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
© 2022 Kells Your Lawyers | ABN: 88 235 192 916
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