Mental Health
Our criminal law team is highly skilled in representing individuals with mental health conditions facing criminal charges. We take a sensitive and informed approach to these complex cases.
Legal matters don’t always happen during business hours. Our team is available 24/7 to provide legal advice, with an initial consultation offered at no cost.
With a former police officer and senior prosecutor leading our criminal law team, we have a deep understanding of court processes, allowing us to develop strong defence strategies suited to each case.
Our lawyers have extensive courtroom experience, so we handle most summary offences without the need for a barrister. This keeps costs reasonable while maintaining effective legal representation.
If you are facing criminal charges and have a mental health condition, it’s important to understand how your circumstances may impact your case. Our mental health lawyers in Fairfield can review your situation in detail and assess whether your condition can play a role in your defence. We will explore legal options that recognise the challenges you face and work to secure outcomes that prioritise treatment over punishment.
Our mental health lawyers in Fairfield will carefully examine your circumstances, gathering the necessary evidence to demonstrate how your condition played a role. Presenting this information effectively can lead to a more considered outcome that reflects your situation.
We will explore every legal option available to prevent a criminal conviction where possible, focusing on approaches that emphasise rehabilitation rather than punitive measures. If conviction is unavoidable, we will work toward securing a resolution that minimises long-term consequences.
Mental health can significantly impact criminal proceedings and influence how the court assesses responsibility and sentencing.
In certain cases, a temporary or ongoing mental illness may reduce a person’s legal liability, providing alternatives to standard penalties. Instead of a criminal conviction, an individual may be placed under a structured treatment plan as outlined in section 3A of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999. This plan is managed by a mental health professional, prioritising rehabilitation over punishment.
For a Magistrate to consider this option, they must have a detailed understanding of the individual's mental health history and how it connects to the alleged offence. A properly documented treatment plan must also be submitted, outlining why the matter should be handled under the Mental Health Act 2007 rather than through traditional sentencing.
A lawyer with expertise in mental health defences can be invaluable in these situations. They can present the necessary medical and legal evidence to support an alternative approach, helping to secure a resolution that prioritises treatment. Given the complexity of this area of law, experienced legal representation can have a decisive impact on the outcome.
Mental illness is sometimes wrongly perceived as an excuse to avoid accountability. However, the courts now acknowledge that mental health conditions can contribute to certain behaviours and should be considered in legal proceedings. Successfully arguing that mental health played a role in an offence requires a strong legal strategy backed by medical evidence. A well-prepared defence can shape how the case is handled and influence sentencing decisions.
A lawyer with experience in mental health-related cases can be the key to avoiding a conviction and pursuing an alternative legal pathway.
At Kells, our legal team examines all possible defence strategies, ensuring that mental health is properly considered as a mitigating factor. We work closely with medical professionals and the court to provide expert testimony, medical reports, and other supporting evidence. Our goal is to achieve an outcome that acknowledges both the legal and rehabilitative aspects of the case, offering a path forward that minimises long-term consequences.
If you would like to discuss your case with our criminal law team, please get in touch. We are available 24/7 to help you and offer a free initial consultation.
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