Our team of lawyers has a wide breadth of experience in helping athletes and sporting clubs and bodies navigate the difficult processes of sports law.
With our office conveniently located in Sydney, we are always ready to assist. When you need trusted legal guidance, our team provides decisive, practical solutions for your specific needs.
We don’t force you to conform to pre-set frameworks or cookie-cutter solutions. We invest the time to understand your goals and deliver outcomes that elevate your business to the next level.
Whether you're an athlete seeking representation or contract advice, a sports organisation dealing with complex compliance requirements, or a business owner needing guidance on sport-related investments, our sports lawyers in Sydney are here to help.
We combine deep industry knowledge with practical, clear, and comprehensive advice. Our approachable team understands the unique challenges faced by today’s administrators, operators, and athletes. This enables us to provide solutions that address both commercial and legal realities. Whatever your role in the sporting world, we are ready to provide the legal support you need.
The world of sports law is layered and multifaceted, with each aspect presenting unique challenges that demand specialised legal expertise. It covers everything from issues with sporting contracts to issues with compliance with constitutions, policies, and other rules that govern the sport.
Sports law intersects with various areas of legal practice, including contract law, governance, intellectual property, and even compliance. It encompasses everything from resolving disputes over player agreements and sponsorship deals to ensuring adherence to constitutions, policies, and the myriad of rules that govern sports at every level.
This degree of complexity demands more than general legal knowledge. It requires the expertise of a specialist who truly understands the nuances of sports law. At Kells, our sports lawyers in Sydney bring extensive experience and a deep understanding of this dynamic field. Whether it’s advising on compliance, drafting or reviewing constitutions, or addressing other sport-related matters, we provide clear, practical guidance to help you secure the best possible outcome.
Most sporting judiciaries allow you to have an advocate speak on your behalf. If you find yourself facing extended time away from the sport you love, we can assist by:
Our lawyers have experience as members of judiciary panels and can provide insight in the process if you are unsure.
Sports clubs and incorporated associations will have dispute resolution measures within their constitutions or rules, ensuring that if you feel that you have been unfairly dealt with, you have an opportunity to be heard.
Being a member of a club is important to you, so our lawyers are able to help you put your best case forward if you find yourself in a situation where you’ve lost membership to a club without fair explanation or for poor reasoning. This may involve appearing on your behalf before the club board or drafting representations or submissions to the club where they have failed to abide by their constitution.
We are able to assist sporting clubs and bodies navigate difficult governance issues, including:
Do you have any questions about a sports-related legal matter?
Reach out to us today, and one of our experienced team members will get back to you promptly.
Need help with a legal matter? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
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