Commercial Disputes - Debt & Asset Recovery Matters
Our team of experienced lawyers is here to give you expert technical advice and commercial guidance to help you achieve a pragmatic outcome.
With offices conveniently located throughout Wollongong and across the Illawarra, Kells is readily accessible to provide expert advice and representation to those in need.
Kells does not require you and your business to fit our services. We take the time to understand your needs and deliver tailored solutions that align perfectly with your objectives.
Are you involved in a dispute and want to settle the matter without taking it to court? At Kells, our commercial dispute resolution lawyers possess the knowledge and expertise to resolve any disputes quickly and in a manner that is most cost-effective for you.
Commercial disputes can be costly, demanding and multi-faceted. In navigating these intricacies, we are known for our ability to provide timely, technical advice and commercial guidance to help our clients achieve a pragmatic outcome.
Our team has expertise in debt and asset recovery matters, which includes all aspects of commencing and conducting proceedings in any Australian Court. Our team has acted on both sides in:
Members of our recovery team have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the mortgage industry and the legal processes necessary to protect lender clients’ investments and to resolve any disputes quickly and in a cost-effective manner without recourse to court action. Where this is not possible our teams have demonstrated success in court actions.
With offices in Wollongong and across the Illawarra, we are well-positioned to provide comprehensive legal services and support to clients throughout NSW.
Need to speak to a lawyer about a commercial dispute? Get in touch with the team at Kells today.
Need help with a legal matter? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch.
© 2022 Kells Your Lawyers | ABN: 88 235 192 916
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