
De-Facto Relationships

De Facto Lawyers in Hawkesbury

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Extensive Experience

Kells' family lawyers in Hawkesbury have extensive experience handling divorce, separation, child custody, child support, property settlements, and financial agreements.

A man in a suit and tie is talking with a speech bubble above his head.

Dedicated Team

Our Hawkesbury family law team delivers high-quality legal services. We focus on making the process straightforward and cost-effective so you always feel confident and informed.

A hand is holding a scale of justice.

Trusted Family Lawyers

Your rights and best interests come first. We recognise the challenges of family law matters and provide thoughtful, practical advice to help you through every step.

Here to Help

A de facto separation can be a difficult and uncertain time, especially when it comes to property division or parenting matters. At Kells, our de facto lawyers in Hawkesbury have extensive experience handling these cases and provide clear, practical legal advice to help you move forward.

We are here to support you through every stage of the legal process. Contact us today to discuss your situation and find out how we can protect your interests while working towards a fair resolution.

Family Law & Children

Area of Expertise

How Can Our De Facto Lawyers in Hawkesbury Help?

Separating as a de facto couple can bring unique legal challenges, particularly when it comes to dividing assets and proving the relationship’s legitimacy.

Unlike marriage, de facto relationships don’t come with a formal certificate, which can sometimes make legal recognition more complex—especially when seeking financial orders or property settlements.

Getting the right legal advice early can help protect your rights and ensure your interests are properly represented throughout the separation process

Here's how we can help:

Expert Legal Guidance

At Kells, our de facto lawyers have extensive experience handling legal complexities that arise when relationships end. We provide clear legal advice on matters such as property division, child custody, and spousal maintenance. Whether you need help understanding your legal status or require support with a property settlement, we are here to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Personalised Support

Separation can be overwhelming, and we believe legal support should extend beyond just the law. We take the time to understand your situation and offer compassionate, practical advice to help you make informed decisions. With Kells, you’ll have the guidance and reassurance you need during this difficult time.

Strong Representation

While we prioritise negotiation, our de facto lawyers in Hawkesbury are ready to advocate for you in court if necessary. Whether resolving disputes through discussion or litigation, we are committed to protecting your rights and securing a fair resolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a de facto relationship?

    A de facto relationship exists when two people live together in a committed domestic partnership without being legally married. The court assesses factors such as the length of the relationship, financial dependence, shared living arrangements, and public recognition of the partnership. Unlike marriage, de facto status must be proven with evidence if legal action is required.

  • Am I in a de facto relationship?

    The Court uses the following criteria to assess whether you are in a de facto relationship:

    • Both individuals are over the age of 18 and not legally married to each other
    • They are not related by family
    • Considering all the circumstances, they live together as a couple on a genuine domestic basis

    The Court may also take the following factors into account:

    • Duration of the Relationship: How long have they been together? Were there any significant breaks during which they dated other people?
    • Existence of a Sexual Relationship: Did the couple have a sexual relationship? Were they physically intimate on a regular basis? Did they maintain separate bedrooms, and if so, why?
    • Degree of Financial Dependence: Did one partner cover all the household expenses, or were they shared? Was one partner financially supporting the other? Did they merge their finances, such as through joint bank accounts?
    • Ownership, Use, and Acquisition of Property: Did they purchase property together? Were both names on a mortgage or rental agreement? Did they share significant assets or make major purchases jointly?
    • Care and Support of Children: Did the couple provide emotional or financial support for each other's children? Did either partner take on a parental or step-parental role?
    • Public and Social Recognition of the Relationship: Did they introduce each other to friends and family as a couple? Were they generally recognised as a couple by their social circle and family members?

    Since 2009, Australian law grants de facto couples, including same-sex partners, the same rights as married couples in property, financial, and parenting matters. Kells can help clarify your legal rights.

  • Is there a time limit after separating to bring an application for property settlement?

    Yes. A property settlement application must generally be made within two years of the relationship ending. In certain cases, the court may allow late applications if denying them would cause hardship to a former partner or child.

  • What should I do if I am separating?

    Seeking legal advice early can help protect your interests. Book a consultation with one of Kells’ de facto lawyers in Hawkesbury to discuss your rights regarding property division and parenting matters. Our team has experience handling both same-sex and opposite-sex separations.

  • How long must a relationship last before it's considered de facto?

    A relationship is usually considered de facto after two years, but exceptions exist. If children are involved or one partner made significant financial contributions, the court may recognise the relationship sooner. Public acknowledgment as a couple and registering the relationship with the state or territory can also strengthen legal recognition.

  • What’s the difference between a de facto relationship and a marriage?

    The main difference between marriage and a de facto relationship is how legal status is established. Married couples only need a marriage certificate, while de facto partners must provide evidence of their relationship, such as shared finances, cohabitation, and social recognition.

    Despite this distinction, de facto couples — whether same-sex or opposite-sex — have the same legal rights as married couples under the Family Law Act 1975. This includes property settlements, child support, and spousal maintenance in the event of separation. Same-sex couples can choose to marry or remain in a de facto relationship, with both options offering equal legal protections.

  • What are my legal rights in a de facto relationship?

    De facto relationships are recognised by the Family Court, and partners have many of the same rights as married couples. If your partner passes away without a will, you may be able to claim a share of their estate. In a separation, you could be entitled to property division, spousal maintenance, or financial support—especially if you are caring for a child from the relationship. Additionally, if your partner dies due to a workplace incident, you may be eligible for workers' compensation benefits. The Family Law Act ensures that de facto partners are fairly treated in financial and legal matters.

  • How do I prove a de facto relationship?

    To prove a de facto relationship, you must demonstrate several key factors, such as living together for a minimum of two years. Evidence can include shared living arrangements (e.g., a lease or mortgage in both names), joint bank accounts, and proof of mutual financial responsibilities. Social recognition of your relationship can also be crucial, which might include joint invitations, photographs, or witness statements from family and friends who can confirm your partnership. Registering your relationship with the relevant state or territory authority can also provide formal recognition and make the process easier. Ultimately, the aim is to show that your relationship meets the criteria of a genuine domestic partnership under the Family Law Act.

  • Why should I choose Kells for my de facto separation?

    Selecting the right legal support during a de facto separation can make the process smoother, reducing stress and preventing unnecessary delays.

    At Kells, we combine legal expertise with a personalised approach. Our experienced family lawyers understand the complexities of de facto separations and tailor advice to suit your specific situation. Your best interests are always our priority, and we are committed to helping you achieve a fair outcome.

    Kells offers the expertise of a large firm while providing personalised attention. From property settlements to parenting arrangements and financial matters, we guide you through every step, offering clear and reliable legal support. Let Kells help you move forward with confidence.

Get The Right Legal Advice for Your De Facto Family Law Matter in Hawkesbury

Call our Hawkesbury team today to discuss your case.

Family Law & Children

Area of Expertise

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