Dust Disease - Asbestos Compensation Claims
Expert legal advice for dust disease and asbestos claims in Sydney.
If you have the slightest concern, Kells provides a free case assessment of your possible compensation claim.
This allows you to work on recovering and move on with your life while we work on getting you any damages you are owed.
Kells will provide the representation
need to
maximum compensation for your asbestos and dust disease claim.
Have you or a family member suffered illness as a result of exposure to asbestos fibres or dangerous dust? If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with a dust disease as a result of exposure to hazardous particles – such as asbestos or silica it's very likely that you're entitled to asbestos compensation.
If you have suffered illness as a result of exposure to asbestos fibres or dangerous dust, at work or otherwise, you may be entitled to claim benefits and pursue a claim for damages. Your rights may continue, even if that exposure occurred many years ago or the manufacturer or employer is no longer in business.
If you have been exposed at work (in Sydney or anywhere in NSW) to dust such as asbestos or silica and you have contracted a disease such as mesothelioma, asbestosis or a related disease, you may be entitled to be paid weekly compensation and medical expenses by the Dust Disease Board of NSW.
In the event that the asbestos condition causes death your dependent may be entitled to make a claim.
A claim made to the Dust Disease Board does not prevent a common law claim if you are able to prove that the employer was negligent and you have sustained an asbestos or other related dust disease.
The Dust Disease Tribunal of NSW is a Court that determines asbestos and dust disease claims. Time is sometimes critical and Kells can provide a personal bedside service or home service if required. Sometimes exposure outside of work can also be compensated.
A successful claim in the Dust Disease Tribunal will provide a lump sum amount for damages. It is essential that you seek advice to maximise any claim. Call our compensation team today and arrange a free appointment with one of our experienced lawyers.
Contact our Sydney Dust Disease & Asbestos Lawyers today for a Free Case Assessment.
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